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Showing posts from May, 2010

Whoop! 3 Years

Wow, 3 years can go really quick - 3 very happy shiny years since this day ! Happy Anniversary sweetie This amused me! (My Vintage Kenwood Chef is also lasting well)

playing at being aunty Hafs

I'm down in Essex eating lovely food and playing with lovely children This is my faux-nephew Harry looking lovely...

Holiday Itinerary #1

This little list as as much for me as it is for you! 22 May - Off to see the Rouxels in Southend on Sea 23 May - Essex 24 May - Taking part in a Panel at the AES conference 25 May - Essex 26 May - Come back from Essex - Celebrate 3rd wedding anniversary!! 27 May - Jam Night 28 May - Music @ Starbucks 29 May - .44Pistol are playing Middle of Nowhere Festival 30 May - Off to Great Cheveral 31 May - .44Pistol have a gig @ The Two Pigs in Corsham I zoned out slightly at this point but I *think* I'm back in Stafford on the Monday or Tuesday perhaps and then we're off camping on the Thursday for a week with Jess, Neil & Gareth. Then it's back to the relativity sedate nature of the office...

Spice audit

Inspired by this Lifehacker post I decided to sort out our spices, especially since their ion the habit of flinging themselves at you when you open the cupboard! Anyway, 33 identical hexagonal jars later and a new home for the cutlery .. dah dah! More worryingly I filled them all, but yeah for uniformity in the spice rack!!! I'm also concerned that we're missing stuff, so I'm going have to buy more jars...

The truth on current fashions

I don't often post things from Post Secret - although it's the highlight of Sunday mornings but this post card summed up a lot of my current feelings on fashion. I've seen some abominations walking around the place of late and the warm weather is only going to make it worse.... Glad I'm not alone...

Summer is here*

So it's time to get some cool new glasses Look, funky sunglasses like everyone else has! I'd show you the other pair but they've just gone off the website so I'm guessing I brought the last pair. Other exciting summer related news - the day shelter we ordered the other day arrived yesterday (very speedy I must say) - We'll do a trail run of putting it up before camping but I'm looking forward to having somewhere to sit and read - I know, decadent isn't it! The rest of May is looking super busy - which is cool but I'm really looking forward to a few days in Southend visiting the Rouxels and a few days with Pete& the gang on Yorkshire's coast. *in my head

Attentive gamers at Nia talk

Attentive gamers at Nia talk , originally uploaded by Rain Rabbit . Look, I did a talk and everything (awesome pictures from Rain Rabbit's photo stream) Nice write up here at Rock Paper, Shotgun Lots more here #gc2

GameCamp 2010

I'm up very early indeed since I'm on the train on the way down to Game Camp - The games design unconference being held in Ebay's offices in Richmond. I'm all fizzy and excited since I managed to snag a ticket - I attended the one a couple of years ago and it was luck I got a ticket this year. I hope this one gives me as many cool ideas as the last one, especially now I've got shiny experimental game play projects to encourage. You can follow the day on twitter with #gc2