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It was all going so well; I was having an uber-productive day - I'd put the washing away (easier now we have a wardrobe each - even if we brought more then we meant to in Primark yesterday) - Luckily a separate coat cupboard picks up the slack for that! - Oooh, and I brought such a pretty coat too.

I'd bounced into town - finished off my shopping for a certain- someones birthday next week, done 2 loads of washing, cleaned out Vince, had lunch, posted some stuff on blackboard. I was merrily researching stuff (properly - not just playing games and pretending to be taking notes while trying to kill the pizza boy (GTA, not Kingdom Hearts in case you were worried you'd missed that bit) When I came accross a link for - an open source version of Civilisation. I'm even having the forsite to write this now as I know the moment I load this up - Bang - there's the rest of my afternoon gone.

It will be even more dangerous if I show this to Pete - he's lost days of his life to Civ before now.


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