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Showing posts from November, 2010

I'm not last!

Lunch time fun in the office.

And on the subject of good things to see

The new Harry Potter film is ace! (and very dark, I've never seen so many traumatised children in one place)

Bye Bye McNulty & Crew

So, we have 2 episodes of The Wire left to watch - it's been a constant companion in our house for about a year, and we're not 100% sure how we'll cope when we're done and dusted with it. Of all the box sets of telly we've watched this has been the best. We were planning on a themed food evening, like we did for Life on Mars (ace 70's food FTW) but Wikipedia recommends Fried Chicken in a box, Beer & Chocolate Biscuits - great for me, not so great for Mr. Wearn (well, the beer & chocolate biccies are vegetarian) So Goodbye dear friends, and remember #When you walk through the garden, you gotta watch your back#

Christmas lights switch on in Stafford

I was reminded by Dave in the office that last year that we some how turned the innocent festive event of the christmas lights switch on into an all day drinking session (I suspect because Pete needed a drink to recover from dealing with festive shoppers turning Starbucks into a creche due to the Santa parade) Last years switch on lights was odd (they lights were switched on by people dressed as Bart & Homer Simpson and the inevitable fireworks were set to Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds) This year just as odd, Stafford born PC David Rathband who lost his eyesight in the Raoul Moat shoot out in July, someone dressed as Shaun the Sheep, the Mayor and the Town Crier (and music leading up to this provided from the band from this years Panto playing 70's soul tracks - not very festive) (Pete looking a bit cold and slightly unimpressed at the rendition of a Blues Brothers track) Anyway, the lights switched on (or the bloke on the top of the guild hall connected the extension lead...

I'm just tweeting...

Blue Things for Christmas

As I mentioned in the last post this year's Wearn Christmas theme is Blue, (as in Blue Christmas). Most of my shopping is done (wrapped and looking pretty in the spare bed - I hope no one needs to stay the night between now and Christmas. Since I've spent most of the day reading The Lady my idea of what is a sensible price to pay for something but some very pretty ideas from F&M .... Fortnum's Tea for Two Tea Set - £225.00 The Duchess of Devonshire Box - £110.00 All The Blues Cheese Selection - £40.00 (note it's an extra £35 for the plate)

I so very rarely get pangs of hiraeth*

but I would like everything from this website please.. This one is even blue, as per this years theme * Hiraeth is Welsh word that has no direct English translation. However, the University of Wales, Lampeter attempts to define it as homesickness tinged with grief or sadness over the lost or departed. It is a mix of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, and the earnest desire [ 1 ] for the Wales of the past. [ 2 ]


Sunday lunch, Wearn style!

Excellent Day of Telly & Radio ahead

RADIO 4 - 18:30 - Bleak Expectations Brand new series - Pip must enlist the help of his former nemesis to fight a new evil. E4 - 21:00 - The Big Bang Theory Brand new series - The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification: Sheldon realises he won't live long enough to download his consciousness into a robot body and tries to extend his lifespan. E4 - 21:00 - How I Met Your Mother Brand new series - Doppelgangers: Marshall and Lily make a secret pact to start trying to have a baby if they see Barney's double. Robin is offered a dream job but it comes at a cost. E4 - 21:00 - Misfits Brand new series: The superhero comedy drama returns for a second run. With the gang still mourning the apparent death of Nathan, a mysterious man leads them to the grave. The Gods of Television & Radio planning are kind to us!

New fish!! <><

While the stuff with Pets@Home, rumbles on we thouroughly cleaned the tank, let it run for a week or so while we waited to see if Faraday made it out of quarentine (he didn't, it was a little odd coming home to empty tasks) and now we have new fishkies, names to follow, when we've found 5 revolutionary authors we're happy with! I present to you: Kerouac , Marlowe , Cervantes , Vonnegut & Orwell

Really Facebook - this is how little you think of me? And no, I'm not posting this up here because I secretly want it.

Awesome A-Bomb Cake (and Hat)

From a collection of photos from Life Magazine via BoingBoing Marsh mellows do you reckon? (the cake, not the hat)

Día de los Muertos

One of these days I will get around to actually hosting a Day of the Dead party, there will be lots of Mexican food, tequila and awesome Home wares and Oilclothes - and people will have to come as a ancestor, however tenuously connected or researched (which will probably mean lots of 17th/18th/19th century agricultural workers)