I've been trying to cut down on spending money in work (sorry lovely Squeezebox) so in an effort to break up the monotony of making cup'a'porridge every day - and also the fact that only Tesco's sell it - I've started down the pinterst-tastic overnight oats train - in mason jars because they turn out to be super cheap from home bargains
Anyway - I've got it down I think after a few weeks of experiments
This is also an attempt to make sure I use up all of the dried fruit etc that in the cupboard - I'm thinking squeezy fruit puree things might work too.. I'll report back.
Which also means I can now prep 5 day of breakfasts in one short Sunday night meal prep blitz (I'm making layerd salads in bulk too - not together, that would be weird)
Anyway - I've got it down I think after a few weeks of experiments
- 1/4 cup of oats
- 1/4 cup of skimmed milk
- A tablespoon of chia seeds (I assume these have magic properties as every overnight oats have them - I get mine cheaply from home bargains)
- 1/4 cup of 0% fat greek yogurt (I also get this form Home bargains - but one large tub does 5 jars for me and measuring it out is really hard - although I have a yogurt maker so I use that now)
- Some fruit - dried or fresh, or a mix (e.g apple & sultanas)
- Some spices if you think they will work (e,g, cinnamon or Aldi do a combo Apple Pie spice)
- a squeeze of honey / maple syrup / agave suryp or something to counteract the very sharp greek yogurt
Once all that's in screw the lid on you give it a good shake and put it in the fridge until you need it - obvs overnight at least. The shake does appear to do wonders to it - it's a little less pretty then the first ones I made where there were visible layers - but what I do't get any more is the weird clumping of chia seeds that gown a little bit like frog spawn
This is also an attempt to make sure I use up all of the dried fruit etc that in the cupboard - I'm thinking squeezy fruit puree things might work too.. I'll report back.