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Long Life Food stuff

Until Brit turned 12 months and we started him on cow's milk I hadn't given the long life section of the supermarket any thought - unless I needed a specific thing for baking I just kind of skipped past it. As we were moving him from formula to cow's milk (which was no bother, but he's robust like that, if he even noticed the difference from the Hipp Organic. He didn't seem to notice the difference when we moved from my milk to formula so I'm not sure why I was surprised).

It just so happened that moving to cows milk coincided with a trip to Barcelona to visit mum, and since UHT is what everyone else uses we went with that - and haven't really looked back. So now we're happy in UHT Whole milk land (and it really does make life easier if you can buy it in bulk and use it as you need it) I've spent more and more time in the long life isle working out what else they have.

We developed a system of 'snack packs' a little while ago - encompassing this excellent cutlery from Boots, some biscuits, an oat bar and a squishy fruit thing - things that I can give the boy the eat quickly in case he's hangry - which is a default setting for a toddler especially after waking from a nap. All of thta fits nicely into a cheapo transparent pencil case - another bonus. Since the fruit pouches are longlife we can keep these next to the shoes and hats basket, so grabbing one is super easy - and so far they've eased eating out and jaunting around the place a lot.

So yesterday's trip to the super market unearthed the fact that long life jellies are veggie friendly (assuming it's because gelatin goes funny after a while - but even though Brit and I aren't veggie I find it pays to make sure everything in the house is Pete friendly) and watching the gusto which Brit devoured a tub (which some bonus sultanas) I imagine they'll make their way into the shopping basket more often. Of course, I had to quality control and it tasted of the jelly of my childhood, before we started using sugar free stuff (I realise now that the sugar free stuff must have been loaded with sweeteners - no wonder it made me feel ill).

I wonder what else is lurking in the long life ailse....

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