And so it begins, earlier in the year we converted the shelves in the pantry to hold our growing collection of cookbooks. it’s the first time we’d moved them since we moved into our House 3 years agio.
Now they were easier to get at, I suddenly started using them more, and this led to some frustrating hunting for specific recipes - and a general feeling I wasn’t 100% sure what we had covered, and if there were any gaps in the collection.
So, toying around with ways to use Tumblr, I thought using it as a database - tagging the books and making it easy to search. I've since moved this to Blogger for quicker integration with my Android phone.
I’m not going to post up recipes, but it should be enough to jog my memory on what’s in each one, and maybe it will be interesting for the world - I doubt it, but you never know.