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The new year is in double digits already...

Right, it's been tinsy little bit of a whirlwind since Christmas so here's a few highlights:

New PC
Hoorah - I have a new PC, a big, shiny beast of a thing. Which means I can put my steam library to good use (and have been). If you want to add me on Steam please do.

Exciting Tickets
Some of our Christmas money went towards buying tickets for Nerd-fest 2011 - The Uncaged Monkey's tour. It will mark the the 2nd time I've seen Ben Goldacre (Jess and I snagged tickets to his talk at Aston Uni) and Prof Brian Cox (D:Ream supported East 17 at the CIA in Cardiff- that was probably the first ever gig I went to) on stage.

New Blog:
Vanity Project ahoy: <- Decided to find a way to catalogue my cookbooks, I've also got a New Years resolution to cook out of all of them, well any of the ones I haven't already cooked out of.

New Term
Yeah to be back in work - I like work, it makes me happy - and most of my marking is done now, but it's full steam ahead to get ready for semester 2 & The Global Games Jam

Other Stuff
Catlan Christmas - a end of festivities / Birthday party for Gaz (who was ill so couldn't attend) / Buy stuff in the sales feast:
Table Setting
Example of Awesome Presents
(Wonder Woman joining the 'girls' in the office)

And finally Afternoon Play #3 - in which I got to play Dixit

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