It's almost all there - the tiler has finished, the 2nd plumber we got came in and oversaw attaching the new oven and we're fully in the throws of sorting the chaos back into tidy, labelled drawers.
It's looking good, the space we needed is now there - and the layout works - we had to re-jig a few things as we moved the furniture in, but site lines work, and it felt really good yesterday where Pete was cooking a toad in the hole and I was putting away plates in the colourful storage (that obviously was a bit of a memory jog for a lot of people judging by the facebook likes) - Brit was in a high chair and it all worked - no jostling, no tempers fraying - it was really nice.
We think we have enough storage, I'm using more of the brand new space in the utility more then I thought I would straight away - mainly for 'party' items - and we have a crate full o'booze but we're also being ruthless with getting rid of things - and that filing cabinet is amazing - I don't know why they arn't standard in every kitchen! I have a filing drawer full of cookie cutters!
More importantly, everything fits, nothing feels awkward and there's a great sense of light and space the old kitchen didn't have.
What's more so is it feels like us, it feels like that's how the kitchen has always been and it feels right for the house. I'm looking forward to a winter of cosy cooking and maybe even some entertaining ;)
It's looking good, the space we needed is now there - and the layout works - we had to re-jig a few things as we moved the furniture in, but site lines work, and it felt really good yesterday where Pete was cooking a toad in the hole and I was putting away plates in the colourful storage (that obviously was a bit of a memory jog for a lot of people judging by the facebook likes) - Brit was in a high chair and it all worked - no jostling, no tempers fraying - it was really nice.
We think we have enough storage, I'm using more of the brand new space in the utility more then I thought I would straight away - mainly for 'party' items - and we have a crate full o'booze but we're also being ruthless with getting rid of things - and that filing cabinet is amazing - I don't know why they arn't standard in every kitchen! I have a filing drawer full of cookie cutters!
More importantly, everything fits, nothing feels awkward and there's a great sense of light and space the old kitchen didn't have.
What's more so is it feels like us, it feels like that's how the kitchen has always been and it feels right for the house. I'm looking forward to a winter of cosy cooking and maybe even some entertaining ;)