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App Review - OurGroceries & Food Planner

I'm not the only smart phone geek in the house, and when Doug was living with us we had between us an iPhone, a blackberry and an android galaxy S. It's also tricky to balance a shopping list between 3 people, 2 is bad enough.

So we turned to an app, and the first one we found that would work on all 3 devices, and sync accordingly

And, to be honest, it's worked ok, but with some issues on syncing. I think at least once I've deleted all the things Pete has added by updating all of the things I think we need.

The recipe aspect didn't seem to work too well either so well it's done us ok for the past year we've investigated a new, similar app

We've only just started using it, but it's already handy to put in place meal planning, like a digital version of our wipe clean planner board. It will be slightly annoying to build up the categories of shopping again.

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