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Should I Buy... A Slow Cooker?

I've been thinking about buying a slow cooker, well, no, that's not true, I've just this moment had the idea while looking at all those enticing pins that mention crock pots and I've only just got around to confirming that a crock pot is indeed a slow cooker and maybe buying one of those would help with an issue we've found selves in a few times recently.

Mainly that we're too busy to cook, and so we seem to eat a lot of pasta, and quick things. Which is fine and lovely, if a little bit boring after a while. Either one of us is out, or the other, and sometimes we have plenty of veg to sue up, that would make a lovely soup, or stew, just not the time to make it.

Now, the reason I've not yet run off to Argos and brought one is three fold, one, I've not run it past Mr Wearn yet - not that I have to you understand, but it would be nice that he doesn't wake up from his afternoon nap with a note saying 'gone to argos to buy a slow cooker, back soon', two, I've not entirely worked out what size of slow cooker we would need and three, how useful really would it be for vegetarians?

Although I love this review on the one I have my eye on:

"Does what it says on the box ,cooks slow.:-)"

Update #1 on terminology from
Before going into the details about slow cookers, we'd like to clear up some terminology.  The term "slow cooker" is a generic name for a countertop appliance consisting of a heating element and heat proof dish (crock) housed in an outer case (often metal) and a lid  which is designed to cook foods by slow, moist heat.  Crock-Pot™  is the brand name of a particular manufacturer and much like the name "Hoover" has become inextricably linked with vacuum cleaners, so Crock-pot™ has become synonymous with slow cookers.

So, I think I was right to be easily confused.

Update #2 Impulsive Nia is Impulsive - how do other countries survive without an Argos??

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